To do our best to create a safe environment for everyone who attends the 2022 Hotdish Hoedown in person, here are guidelines to follow:
- Consider limiting your exposure to others five days (January 24–28) before the Hoedown and February 1–3, when you most likely would be contagious with a potluck version of the virus.
- Stay home if you test positive for COVID, are waiting for results, have COVID symptoms, or had close contact (less than 6 feet for minimum total of 15 minutes in a 24-hour period) during previous five days with a person who is positive or symptomatic.
- If possible, quick-test for COVID an hour or two before arriving at the center and without stopping anywhere else. If positive, don’t attend.
- Wear a mask (N95s are 2022 swag) when not eating or drinking. If someone reminds you to pull yours up, please respect that request.
- Wash your hands.
- Don’t touch your face.
- Use the hand sanitizer that will be everywhere.
If the technology works, the 2022 Hoedown will be zoomed live but interaction and camera work likely will be limited. Invitees who are not attending should email the hostess after January to ensure receiving the link.