Where else could you have sushi and tuna casserole in one meal? -- Craig from Rhode
Island, first-time Hoedown attendee, 2002 Jell-O contest categories
You can recycle trophies from years' past by leaving them on the hostess' front porch. Feel free to keep them, just don't send them to the landfill! Additional donations of trophies gladly accepted. Updated Jan. 22, 2006 |
Hotdish Hoedown 2002Thanks to everyone for attending the Hotdish Hoedown. We set records for attendance (120 people, including the soon-to-be toddlers in abundance), and beer and wine consumption. The food was fabulous, and oh, the singing. Not to mention the Tale of William Jell. Thanks to the set-up and take-down crews. 2002 invitation